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weave is a stand alone python script that triggers execution of containerized subjobs defined in the workflow. weave does require a few dependencies currently, with plans to dwindle these requirements in the future.



All requirements should be installed to a python virtual environment and not to the system python

# clone repo
git clone
cd weave
# create virtual environment
python -m venv ~/.my_venv
# activate environment
source ~/.my_venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt 

Snakemake & singularity


Additional requirements beyond those listed in requirements.txt are the Snakemake python package and the singularity containerization software

On NIH servers

Biowulf server
module purge
module load snakemake singularity`

Biowulf uses environmental modules to control software. After executing the above you should see a message similar to:

[+] Loading snakemake 7.XX.X on cnXXXX
[+] Loading singularity 4.X.X on cnXXXX

source /data/openomics/bin/`

Bigsky uses spack to load modules so a consolidated conda environment with snakemake is activated:
if [ ! -x "$(command -v "snakemake")" ]; then
    source /gs1/apps/user/rmlspack/share/spack/
    export PS1="${PS1:-}"
    spack load -r miniconda3@4.11.0/y4vyh4u
    source activate snakemake7-19-1
# Add this folder to $PATH
export PATH="/data/openomics/bin:${PATH}"
# Add different pipelines to $PATH
export PATH="/data/openomics/prod/rna-seek/latest:${PATH}"
export PATH="/data/openomics/prod/metavirs/latest:${PATH}"

While, singularity is installed to the BigSky system and available upon login.

Outside NIH servers

Please follow the relevent instructions on the related package(s): Snakemake and singularity


After installing all the dependencies you then test the workflow functionality using a the dry run switch in the weave frontend.

# after clone, dependencies, and installation
cd weave # git repository root
./weave run \
-s .tests/illumnia_demux \ 
-o .tests/illumnia_demux/dry_run_out \
--local --dry-run /opt2/.tests/illumnia_demux